In the fall of 2016, I took an 8-day road trip to Prince Edward Island in Canada. 4,000 miles, 8 nights on the road (and around $100 in unexpected tolls.)
This was a sprint trip for sure. A few things were at play at this time in my life: I was in-between jobs, had a sort-of severance package from my last job and had applied to a couple key places for a new one and found I just couldn’t wait around to hear back and be sane at the same time. I had been casually thinking of a trip like this for a couple weeks but didn’t decide until the day before I left that I was actually going to do it.
I’d never done anything like this before, and it was driven by pure panic. I needed to put miles under my wheels. I needed road therapy.

So I decided that I was going to go find some fall color. There hadn’t been a whole lot that year in the Tennessee Valley, so I thought I might find some farther north. And with that cardinal direction in mind, I took off. I had a vague idea that it might be nice to go to Prince Edward Island. I had grown up with the Anne of Green Gables books and movies after all, and that return to childhood was maybe what I needed just then. I thought that even if I didn’t make it all the way there, I could turn around at any point I wished and come back home, especially if I got a call from a possible employer.
So in the coming posts, I will detail the whole trip, where I stopped and what I did, and what I could have done if I were taking this trip in a more sane and slow manner. I did make it to Prince Edward Island after all and spent a whopping half day there before heading back.
Don’t travel like this, okay? Unless you needed it like I did.
Awesome! 🙂